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Drew Barrymore Reveals Lucy Liu Took Nude Portraits Of Her 20 Years Ago

Photo: Getty Images

Lucy Liu and Drew Barrymore got close on the set of Charlie's Angles. So close, in fact, that Liu took nude portraits of Barrymore. The two actresses reunited on an episode of The Drew Barrymore Show this week and shared the story with the audience. 

"I was trying to find the nude photographs you took of me on the set of Charlie's in my dressing room," Barrymore said before adding that she made a "mad scramble" trying to find them. It turns out that Liu has kept the portraits safe for the past two decades. "I have them!" she said. "You do?" Drew asked. "I do of course," Lucy confirmed and told Drew that she looks "gorgeous, as you still do" in the portraits. "And you're so natural and playful and having a great time." Lucy went to reveal that she has "a series of portraits of so many people—with and without clothes on, guys." 

Liu has long been a successful artist in several mediums including photography, painting, and collage. She previously presented her work under her Chinese name, Yu Ling. Every couple of years, users on Twitter remember that she makes beautiful art and it goes viral, as it should. 

Later in the interview, Lucy and Drew played a game called "Behind the Scenes" and revealed that it wasn't all fun and games on the set of Charlie's Angels. "I remember pain," Lucy laughed when she was shown a photo from their 2000 film. "We were pretty bada—!" She went on to say she remembers the "eight hours a day training five days a week." 

Drew shared that while Lucy was so dedicated to the rigorous training schedule, "me and Cameron [Diaz] were so naughty sometimes." To which Lucy replied, "What? [Cameron] was so good! You weren't. She was naughty," she laughed, pointing to Drew.